Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The End... (kind of)

This year is r-e-d, red h-o-t, red hot, red hot, red hot.
I'm not even insinuating the end of the world, mind you.

Fact: I turn 30 years of age in 18 days.

This facial expression was not made because of that fact. (This is me doing my best to take a photo and not look like I'm standing in a bathroom holding out my phone... because let's face it... this isn't myspace.)

If I really stop and think about turning 30 I'm not worried or freaked out. I think I was nervous about it when I was 27, but the closer I get the more sure I am that each year holds something unique and powerful that will continue to shape me into the person I'm created to be.

At dinner last night, we had a group discussion about if there was anything we would NOT do again if given the opportunity. I thought through several mistakes and arguments and then began to consider experiences, relationships, classes, choices... and I ended up thinking that even the hardest moments have been used to fuel the 29 year-old me. So true: nothing is wasted in God's economy. I wish those younger versions of me had more wisdom, tact, grace, patience, contentment, and poise... but I also know that in my weaknesses HE has been stronger.

I feel like such a momentous age deserves a momentous goal. I thought about trying to do 30 things in the year before I turn 30... but that didn't happen. And then I thought about 30 new and adventurous things in the year following turning 30.

But now I'm sitting here with 18 full days of my twenties waiting to be lived and I decided to just go for it. I'm going to document 18 days of trying new things... and hope that I can get to the number 30 before turning 30. Realize that you are dealing with someone who doesn't try new foods unless forced and often doesn't push herself to do anything unless she is at least partially confident that she will succeed.

But I'm still going to give it a try.

Here's to peanut butter on apples (who knows, maybe I'll like it?) and craft projects (recovering a lamp shade like I'm a pinterest boss). Here's to running half marathons (help me now) and memorizing verses in Hebrew (She'ma, Yisra'el...). If nothing else, it's going to be an adventurous end to my 20s.

30 in 18 by 30. (Makes no sense, but I'm game.)


SKMorbys said...

How about learning to operate a new sewing machine? :)

reneamac said...

"Nothing is wasted in God's economy. I wish those younger versions of me had more wisdom, tact, grace, patience, contentment, and poise... but I also know that in my weaknesses HE has been stronger."


Here's to you, Friend! And to your next 30 years of adventuring: May it be on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Shannon said...

Cheers to joining the 30's club! I can't wait to hear about your new ventures in the next 18 days! Include me on that attempt at a marathon! ;)

Ginger said...

@Renea - Thanks, friend! Right back at you. Here's to 30 in January!

@Shannon - Thanks for the welcome! Are you running the race this month? (And bravo to you for the marathon - I think I'm content settling with my half!)