Sports Fanatics: I have many friends and family members who fall into this category. I don’t even know if I would use the word “fall" to describe them. Shall we say, dive headfirst into passionately loving their teams? I enjoy watching a good game. I thoroughly enjoy wearing a Mav’s jersey into work just to throw the entire Sun’s loving organization into a complete upheaval. Don’t even get me started on my LSU and A&M loving fanatics…err…friends. Sports are fun but not the obsession for me.
Music lovers: I love all types of music. I’ve even paid a hefty price to see a few of my favorites in concert. I know some background information about a few groups, but I can name very few lead singers. Are you getting the theme here? Few. I know what I like to listen to and I know when I want to change the radio station.
Movie Buffs: I cannot compete. My brother and sister know more and love more about this topic than anyone I know. I do love to be swept away in a great film, but I don’t own the biographies on my favorites, nor will you find me memorizing the 1965 Academy Award winner for best picture. Occasionally I can help you fill in the question about the actress on the crossword puzzle, but other than that…I’m probably a disappointment to my cinema devouring siblings.
Losties, Dwight, and Alias Club: I get to throw in something here! I have seen most episodes of LOST, The Office, and Alias. I cannot tell you the first names of all the actors, or even all of the characters. I try not to pick up many shows on T.V. because I don’t have a DVR and thus seeing every episode of anything is pretty close to impossible. Those three shows are about the only things I get disappointed about not being able to see because of a prior commitment.

What can I say? I don’t remember dates, don’t shop for brands, can’t remember stats, and don’t recall an award winner the next year. I think I’m ok with that. My interests are as varied and

1 comment:
Best Picture of 1965... "The Sound of Music," of course! ;-)
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