Look, everybody! Funny diary entries!
All of this was pulled from my highly prized Lisa Frank diary with the lock on it. That's right, a lock! These are some precious secrets you're about to read!

May 19, 1995
Yes! It’s Friday!
Now I’ve got my boys narrowed down to four, and I’ve changed it- a lot!
1. David (he’s funny)
2. Steven (he’s cute!)
3. Brad (he’s cute)
4. Bobby (he’s cute)
David is so funny, and I think he likes me! And he’s cute. I’m in love! I’m a love bird!
P.S. I’m grounded! Augg!
Why I am still the same person I was in 5th grade: 1) Funny guy at the top of the list. 2) Making lists.
Also-- I wish I could remember why I was grounded!
Aug. 16, 1995
I no longer like Brad, but I still love David. I am sure he likes me too. I know he knows I like him, and he knows I know he likes me.
Did you catch all that?
Bobby is no longer cute (?), but Steven is. School just started a couple days ago. Yuck!
Sep. 11, 1995
I hate! I hate! I hate, David! He's being a dodo brain.
Whoa! Watch the language there! And whatever happened to the love bird? I so wish I remembered what had happened here....
I sorta like Roy, but if anyone were to see this entry, I'd be in complete agony.
Someone's feeling a little dramatic!!
+ I hate Bobby! (so much I can't put it in words)
Mar. 27, 1996
Now Bobby, David, Roy, and Brad like me. They're all dorks! But Brads sort of o.k.
Oct. 20, 1996
Dear Diary,
I hate Brad! He is so dumb! I hate Bobby, I hate Roy, I hate Steven, and I hate, I hate, I hate David! He's a dumbo-brain!
But I love John. He is so fine! He is cute and funny.
Sorry, but the saga ends there! I really do enjoy these particular entries, mostly because of the fact that I don't offer any explanations as to why I oscillated between loving and hating some of these poor boys. I guess it can just be left up to your imagination....
Finally, a teaser for a possible future post about high school boys. A line I was fed in 12th grade:
"Did you really think I didn’t know what color your eyes were? Why do you think I turn around in English class every day?"
I definitely have some of these.
I think they were mostly about my friend Kyle! Much much later, I'm pretty sure i rambled in a similar fashion about Crackhead.
LOL. i liked a boy "named" Crackhead. COLLEGE!!!! :D
This post makes me GLEEFULLY giddy!
John??? Why can't I recall who that is??? -m.
I used to LOVE Lisa Frank stuff!
Presh. :)
Hahahahaha! If you'd read these aloud in House 9, the room would have exploded in laughter.
I'm sure I have some similar thoughts about various boys in junior high - and we even had code names for lots of them.
Once a lovebird always a lovebird.
Oh man let's ride this train to middle school/high school/college please.
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