You Can't Take It With You- This is a delightful treasure of a Frank Capra movie. The story concerns the engagement of a young man, (James Stewart) who comes from a rich banking

Murder By Death: An offbeat but truly hilarious spoof of detective movies, Murder By Death will have you doubled over with laughter if you can allow it to be weird and see it for its comic genius. Featuring an all-star cast including Alec Guinness (playing a blind butler named Jamesir
Bensonmum), Maggie Smith, David Niven, Peter Sellers, Peter Falk, and Truman Capote (yes, you read that right), this comedy/mystery spoofs some of the most famous literary detectives, including Agatha Christie's Miss Marple and Hercule Poirot, and even Nick and Nora Charles of the Thin Man movies (appearing in the movie as Dick and Dora Charleston). Some may find it a little too slapsticky and self-referential, not to mention overwhelmingly silly (the house address is 2-2 Twain), but it's also a lot of fun. Plus, it has some terribly clever dialogue, such as the following conversation between Tess and Sam, whose character is a sendup of Humphrey Bogart- type characters....

Sam: I'll be around if you need me. All you gotta do is whistle, and you know how to whistle, don't ya, baby?
Tess: Certainly. What do you mean? I don't understand you...
Sam: All right, never mind. Forget it. You ruined it.
Tess: Certainly. What do you mean? I don't understand you...
Sam: All right, never mind. Forget it. You ruined it.
Equilibrium- If you are a fan of smart action movies, Equilibrium would be worth your time. It takes place in a post- World War III future, where no music or art is allowed- similar to Fahrenheit

Tip: When John Preston heads in to raid the building in the first scene of the film, be sure to turn off all the lights in the room. It will definitely complete the experience, and you'll thank me later.
Galaxy Quest- Not the most sophisticated brand of comedy, but a likeable film none-the-less. I'm sure we all saw the previews (even if you didn't see the movie): Tim Allen, Sigourney

Treasure Planet- Largely dismissed by critics, this little

Remember when we watched Equilibrium together and were like, "Where has this movie BEEN?! Why is Christian Bale such an incredible bad-ass?"
And then we remembered the answer: muscles. Actually, that doesn't answer the lost movie question at all, but muscles is always a good answer.
I was all "OH I want to see Equilibrium! That looks cool!"
Then I saw Dani's comment, and was like, "OH I see why y'all liked it, maybe I don't want to see it so much."
1) muscles are great, but i think a perfect execution of the gun kata combined with a somewhat reckless affection for very cute puppies is what makes john preston an incredible badass. :)
2) treasure planet made the list!!! i am touched. and my heart is happy. :) if i was animated, and Dimitri was in russia... i would totally marry Jim Hawkins...
Actually, now that i think about it, i believe i'd pick him over Dimitri no matter what. Sure would. :)
gotta respect equilibrium for the originality of those gun fights... plus there's an admirable amount of underlying meaning to the movie for substance's sake
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