I have a friend that I affectionately refer to as
Superwoman. She’s only 26 and she absolutely blows me away. I can’t tell her story without tearing up. I remember very vividly having a conversation with Megan a few years ago as she described to me her desire to be a foster parent. She had graduated college and begun teaching at a local elementary school and was now considering this next enormous step. Megan accepted the call to foster and was able to provide a stable and loving home for three different children. This month Megan
adopted her foster son Cooper. They are now connected forever. She spent this past weekend moving her new family into a home closer to her parents. Her heart’s desire is to provide for her son the best way she can. You may ask why a single young woman would be willing to drastically alter her life for a two year-old. I love Megan’s answer: “I can guarantee that he will be loved and will know of God’s love through me. I can’t be assured of that if he’s sent back into the foster system.” Megan has chosen to live sacrificially and I am blessed to call her friend.
I would also like to introduce you to the Incredibles…Mr. and Mrs. Incredible. Not only are the

Amaros two of the most talented people I have ever met, but they inspire everyone around them to think creatively about the bigger picture.
Fernando is a gifted musician and filmmaker who leads by example.
Carrie Fay excels in photography and writing and half a dozen other things. Bilingual, biracial, and now they are looking to grow their family internationally. Already the incredible parents to
one of the sweetest kids on the planet, they are in the long and tedious process of
international adoption. I’ve been surprised to hear the questions they’ve received about their reasoning in making this decision, and humbled to hear their response. There is a very lucky girl in Ethiopia who will be coming to live with the Incredibles one day. And although this process is lengthy, frustrating, and expensive, the Amaros are reassured that God’s plan is perfect and their family will only blossom with the new addition.
Finally, I want to highlight the work of a talented Wonder Woman who has chosen to work for something bigger than herself. I worked with
Sydney at summer camp several years ago and have been following her photography and design work since then. Last spring Sydney packed her life in Austin up and headed to Uganda. She works for an organization called
Watoto and it has been incredible to live vicariously through her journey. I read her blog and was especially moved by a
recent entry that was both simple and poignant. I love to see the way she is utilizing her giftings
not only in the provinces, but all over the world. (1 Thessalonians 1:8).

I am blessed to know so many superheroes, I could just go on and on about them. But I wanted to remind us all that the choices we make, whether big or small, do have real and lasting impact on those around us. I am both motivated and humbled to see what can be done with one life. We each choose what our stories will say. As Erwin McManus says,” You were born with potential; you were not intended to die with it.” What's your story saying?
oh. wow. -m.
ginger - you truly are a gem. thanks for the encouragement... i feel so incredibly lucky to call you a friend and look forward to catching up with you in person, hopefully sooner than later. love you tons! xo syd
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