-The me of 4th grade who was told by another student, "My dad says you got fat over the summer."
-The girls who message me on facebook to tell me that they are being told by all the kids at school that they are ugly.
-The me at 18 who stood on a balcony at her senior prom and thought, "No one will ever want me."-The girls who come and find me at the end of a session to say that they never knew someone else had the same story.

-The me at 22 who began a downward spiral of over-eating and then conveniently ridding myself of the evidence.
-The women who desperately desire to improve upon His workmanship with knife and plastic.
-The me at 25 who cried lonely tears into my steering wheel.
-The young women who text me on a daily basis asking "what do I if I hate the way that I look?"
-The me at 28 who felt so alone.
-Every time I hear a girl tell me, "I can't eat that... my mom says I am getting fat."
-The young women who will find themselves in the seats of a church in Arizona tomorrow night.
The sleepless nights, the stress, the preparation. It's all for them. It's all for Him.

I am so so proud of you Ginger. Your story is such a powerful way to tell HIS story. Praying for this weekend.
This is for never letting me blow bubbles in my chocolate milk.
Wow - powerful message. Hope the conference ran smoothly this past weekend. I want to call soon so we can catch up!
that is truely amazing ginger, and also so true. youve told me alot about you and ive told you alot about me and its comforting to know that you are not alone even if you may feel like you are. :)
I can't wait to hear how this went. I am SO proud of you, Ginger.
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