Monday, July 26, 2010


Confession: I drive to work like this about once a week. I take the rollers out before I walk into the building. I wear sunglasses... it makes me feel invisible in the car.

I really enjoy spending time with this couple. They just celebrated 10 years together and they give me something to aim for: laughter. Even in the most challenging times, Jon & Erin always seem to find something to smile about.

These are the many new faces being added to my family tree. The dogs wanted nothing to do with the photos... until we set the timer.

When I moved to the valley almost four years ago I was afraid I would never find community to rival the one that I left in Texas. My prayer the first year here was for lasting and true friendships. God is greater than our hearts and he seems to love to exceed our expectations... time and again! I am so blessed by these women.

And finally... 12 weeks from "I do." (But who's counting?)

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