This picture was taken for Empire Magazine's 20th Anniversary. It was part of a series of photos of actors returning to their most iconic roles. Here's Sean Bean and Viggo Mortenson, returning to "The Fellowship of the Ring."

This is part of a series that was done to promote "Coraline," one of my very favorite films of the year. They did a whole alphabet set, with different pictures for each letter.
Here, see? This is the whole thing. Gorgeous.

This guy has a whole series of seriously clever graphics. Check it out.
This set of old-fashioned travel posters were made in promotion of the DVD release of "Up." Is it any wonder that I love them?
This guy takes his inspiration from kids' pictures and paints them to look as realistic as possible. Isn't he amazing?
I'd like to see that guy take some of Clay's pictures and make them "real," wouldn't you? -m
Could your love for the "UP" pics be because of a certain someone in South America ;) Ha! J/K
Great post! Love YOU!
Those Empire mag photos were great. I think my favorites were Harry Potter and Christian Bale. They were all great, though.
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