Thursday, July 22, 2010

What I'm [Double Stealing]

Dani stole this idea from Annie Blogs. Now I've stolen from the thief.

What I’m [reading] = At the moment I’m listening to Mary Higgins Clark’s “Where Are You Now?” I’ve never read anything by her, and it’s been an interesting experience thusfar.

What I’m [also reading] = Entertainment Weekly, per usual. One of the many reasons I look forward to Fridays!

What I’m [eating] = Eggs and toast. I keep having a craving for breakfast foods, and continue to fry up or omlette up some eggs and a piece of toast for dinners or weekend lunches.

What I’m [hearing] = The original Broadway cast recording of “Ragtime.” Heartwrenching, gorgeous, rich, full… I could go on and on. If you ask nicely, I’ll totally make you a copy.

What I’m [writing] = Uhh…this blog?

What I’m [missing] = My brother. Clay is in Houston for the summer and I am seriously missing having him around in Tyler. Without him I have no one to watch mindless videos with (“What is wrong with your FACE?!”), go eat dinner at the drop of a hat, or see the countless movies that no one else I know will see with me. He and I can also watch through seasons of television like champs- I never had more fun watching “Heroes” or “Freaks and Geeks.”

What I’m [loving] = Laughing so hard that I can neither see nor breathe at dinner with Stephen and Kyle, due to our endless quotations of “Arrested Development.” (Her?)

What I’m [googling] = More info about this guy’s incredible story. He worked with Invisible Children and was killed in the terrorist attacks in Uganda earlier this month.

What I’m [watching] = “Inception.” Okay, maybe not right now, but I saw it over the weekend and loved it and can’t stop thinking about it. Best movie I’ve seen this year, hands down. If you also dug it and are looking for more solid movies, I have two recommendations. “Brick,” which also stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt, is a fascinating take on a film noir set in a present day high school. “The Prestige,” also by Christopher Nolan, if you somehow missed it when it first came out, is an astounding movie full of twists and mind tricks galore. I can’t recommend any of those three movies enough.

What I’m [surprised about] = How much I truly enjoy this song from Crazy/Heart. I'm not usually into country music (unless it's something by someone like Hank Williams that I've heard my dad play a hundred times), but "Fallin' & Flyin'" is just a great song! There’s something about the chorus that makes my heart swoop around a bit.

What I’m [wondering] = Why there was a lady yelling, “Help! My baby’s stuck in the pool!!!” outside my apartment the other morning, making me think I was hearing her in my dreams. Somehow she had ended up on one side of the gate to the pool, her toddler on the other side. Luckily someone came by and unlocked it for her so crisis averted, but still…. HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN??

1 comment:

shannonmichaelis said...

Um, yes, how does that happen?